What is an electromagnetic headache?
Also, some people have claimed that they have electromagnetic hypersensitivity and experience some symptoms, such as headaches, tinnitus, sleep disorders, and other neurological complaints when exposed to these fields. Overall, headache is the most frequent symptom induced by RF-EMF.
Findings have indicated that increased mobile phone usage may be concomitant with a higher rate of headache attacks due to low radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF). This study aimed to determine the effects of low RF-EMF on the treatment outcome in migraine patients.
Findings have indicated that increased mobile phone usage may be concomitant with a higher rate of headache attacks due to low radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF). The aim of this study was to determine the effects of low RF-EMF on the treatment outcome in migraine patients. Based on the mentioned facts, RF-EMF can be regarded as a probable environmental trigger for migraine headaches. Such issues will raise the question of what the potential effect of this environmental risk factor would be on the patient’s response to treatment regimens.
Based on the mentioned facts, RF-EMF can be regarded as a probable environmental trigger for migraine headaches. Such issues raise the question of what the potential effect of this environmental risk factor would be on the patient’s response to treatment regimens. Usually, its severity affects individuals’ daily performance capabilities and functions. Although several studies have been carried out to explain the pathophysiologic mechanism of migraine, it has, in general, remained an enigma. However, most researchers believe that the disturbance of the neuro-electrical activity related to brain cells increases the sensitivity of the cerebral cortex and brain vascular changes with potential genetic susceptibility factors and plays an important role in migraine headaches. To initiate and accelerate these events, some environmental and behavioral factors act as potent triggers for migraine attacks.
Recently, an epidemiologic study indicated a higher occurrence of migraine attacks in mobile users. The matter has created genuine concern regarding the extensive exposure of individuals to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) due to the worldwide comprehensive expanse of mobile telecommunication technology. There are some suggested hypotheses that electromagnetic waves affect various aspects of human physiology by interaction with cellular electromagnetic events. One of the most important alterations induced by electromagnetic fields is the disturbance in brain function because of the close contact of these devices to the head. Previous studies have shown that these waves influence regional cerebral blood flow and electroencephalographic (EEG) wave power.
“Human Skin as Arrays of Helical Antennas in the Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave Range”, Paul Ben Ishai researchgate-net/publication/51394628_Human_Skin_as_Arrays_of_Helical_Antennas_in_the_Millimeter_and_Submillimeter_Wave_Range
“The Helical Structure of Sweat Ducts: Their Influence on the Electromagnetic Reflection Spectrum of the Skin”, Itai Hayut, Paul Ben Ishai, Aharon J. Agranat, Yuri Feldman journals.aps-org/pre/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevE.89.042715
“Tissue Morphology and Bio-metamaterials as the Driving Mechanism of Electromagnetic Response in the sub THz frequency Range”, Paul Ben Ishai, Eli Safrai, Alexander Puzenko, Alexander Polsman, Yuri Feldman opg.optica-org/abstract.cfm?uri=LTST-2012-SF3B.4
Posted in EMF-home-inspection