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ears ringing, EMF, Wi-Fi, and Tinnitus

ears ringing

Manoj Srivastava elaborates on how vastu can help in reducing stress and health issues caused by modern technology

In the modern world, stress is often synonymous with your professional life. Usually, this part is relegated to working in the office, dealing with bosses and colleagues as well as being productive. At the end of the day, home is where you disengage and relieve yourself from the daily grind. However, home, too, has its own set of stresses, like meeting the expectations of spouse, parents, and children. On top of all this, there are unavoidable invisible energies caused by modern technology at both home and office, which amplifies the stress. This creates a runaway effect where stress spirals out of control, and you end up being burnt out as a result. This is why it’s important to manage both your space and time.

Most of us are used to the electronic conveniences of modern life. However, few of us are aware of the possible health risks presented by the gadgets that make our world work. We are surrounded by electromagnetic radiation, whether at home or office. Electromagnetic frequencies are generated by all electronic and electrical devices. Mobile phones, wi-fi routers, microwave ovens, laptops, televisions, and cordless phones are some of the devices that are now prevalent in every Indian household and that generate EMF radiations as long as they are operational. In offices, servers, UPS, wi-fi access points, and mobile towers are great sources of high EMF radiation to which we are continually exposed.

All subtle energies, be it the energies of Vastu or electromagnetic radiation, have a deeper and prolonged effect on our mind and body. On one hand, while gross energy like sound, light, and wind have acute and temporary effects, subtler energies have chronic and long-term effects. While vastu energies can be good and bad, in different directions and at parts, depending on the design of the building, the EMF energies are uniformly bad in all places.

When exposed to these EMF radiations, different people have different symptoms depending upon their vitality and constitution. The most prominent symptoms are disturbed sleep, anxiety, palpitations, headaches, lethargy, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), and nausea. Most people may define the collection of these diseases as high stress. However, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has coined a new term for people who are more susceptible to the effects of EMF radiation — electromagnetic hypersensitivity. Prolonged exposure can result in lower immunity, reproductive and fertility issues, auto-immune diseases, and some malignant diseases. Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Mumbai submitted a report to the Government of India in 2010 highlighting the effect of mobile tower radiation, and the Central Public Works Department (CPWD) has also defined protocols and design guidelines to reduce the impact of EMF on residents and workers, and both these documents are easily available on the internet.

These radiations are caused by modern technology, and stopping the use of these gadgets is not practical. These days, our efficiency depends on the use of these gadgets. Even if you stop using them, you will still be continually exposed to mobile tower radiation, radio-frequency waves from microwave and radio towers, and, in some cases, the neighbor’s Wi-Fi routers.

Since avoiding these radiations is not possible, the author suggests prudence in the use of this equipment. For example, you keep your mobile handset more than seven feet from where you sleep and do not install the wi-fi router or television set in your bedroom. In case the television set is already installed in the bedroom, and for some reason, you cannot shift it elsewhere, you should switch off the TV from the mains and not from the remote before you sleep. Do not be near the microwave oven when it is operational. Keep at least 10 feet or more distance from the same. Do not operate the laptop by placing it on your lap. Try to switch off the mobile phone and wireless router during the night by routing your calls on the good old landline phone at your bedside.

If you are hypersensitive to electromagnetic radiation, there are shielding paints available in international markets that can be applied to the outer walls of the building to prevent mobile tower radiation from entering the building. However, the disadvantage is that mobile signals weaken inside the building, causing network connectivity issues. In the modern way of working, this may be unacceptable.

Modern Vastu experts have another way to neutralize the effect of these radiations. Specific materials, angles, and geometric shapes can be installed at strategic locations in the building to harmonize the effect of these radiations on residents.

Irrespective of your sensitivity to electromagnetic radiations, we are all continuously exposed to them, especially in urban cities, and they are affecting our psyche and body energy to one level or another. Some precautions and vastu rectifications will definitely reduce its negative effect.

(The writer is a vastu Acharya with more than 20 years of corporate leadership experience.)

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