Unborn Babies, babies, toddlers, pregnant women, seniors, teens, youngsters and adults – did we miss out anyone? And then… what about computing systems, data centers, servers and computing environments?
Look around. Across us is a snowballing of multiple sources of EMF at our homes, work places and other spaces such as schools, hospitals, malls, public spaces etc. The key-trends being –
EMF radiation and EMF fields are key risks to biological and computing systems. As a generation, we have a million times higher exposure to EMF radiation compared to our parents or grandparents. Our cellphones, WiFi and microwaves are so convenient that they are actually inconvenient. Our bodies fail to evolve so quickly as the multiplication in EMF radiation fields around us. This has resulted in aggravated occurrences of critical ailments such as Alzheimers, Parkinsons, Cancer, Infertility and Autism.
Ironically, EMF radiation has a remarkably “unproven” relationship with all these ailments. These figures point towards a global epidemic on the rise. The epidemiological evidence linking EMF radiation to these health problems is not fully formed and may take many more decades to form. However, good sense will tell you it is better to be safe than sorry.
Emf Exposure In The Workplace, Emf Exposure Issues, Emf Exposure Testing, Emf Exposure Treatment, Emf Exposure Wifi, Emf Ionizing Radiation, Emf Occupational Exposure Limits, Emf-Radiation And Health, Emf-Radiation Cancer, Emf-Radiation Cars, Emf-Radiation Effects, Emf-Radiation Electric Cars, Emf -Radiation From Wireless Internet, Emf-Radiation Meter, Emf-Radiation Protection, Emf-Radiation Research, Emf-Radiation Safe Level, Emf-Radiation Shield, Emf-Radiation Sickness Symptoms, Emf-Radiation Sources, Emf-Radiation Treatment, Emf-Radiation Wireless Routers, Emf Rf Radiation Detector
Posted in Cell Towers, Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity, EMF-home-inspection, Nashville Tennessee Home inspections, Safty and Remediation